Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Treating Malaria in India

The disease is widely prevalent all over the country and has become a scourge resulting in many deaths. The malaria pathogen is transmitted to humans through blood from bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes. Over a number of years, the parasitic protozoan has diversified into many strains some yet to be discovered. Single-celled microorganism is classified as spasmodic types.   

While vivax, ovale and malariae cause many symptoms P.falciparum is the one that is the cause of many deaths in India.  The usual symptoms are chills and fever, nausea and vomiting, lethargy, and even death. In advanced stages, the skin may become yellow as some strains affect the lever and cause jaundice.     

Blood tests are the usual mode of detecting the parasite in the blood but lately, quicker tests have been developed but their efficacy is in doubt. It will usually take three or more blood tests to detect the parasite but this is a better way to detect the infection in time and prevent aggravation of symptoms later.   

The treatment for malaria is a combination of three injections of artemisinin and seven doses of quinine tablets of 300 mg each. This treatment eliminates the parasite from the blood. This is then followed by fourteen days of primaquine treatment to eliminate pathogens from the liver. The malaria treatment using quinine and its derivatives is troublesome with side effects like nausea, vomiting, digestive discomfort, and giddiness to name a few. Hence medicines for the prevention of these symptoms are administered orally along with the course.     

As a preventive measure doxycycline is prescribed on regular basis, especially for overseas visitors traveling to malaria-affected countries like India.  Other preventive measures are mosquito repellent in form of lotions and oils, nets, incense sticks, and electronic devices that discourage the mosquitoes in their range.      

The disease should always be treated under the supervision of a qualified practitioner and self-medication could be dangerous.  Treatments differ and it is up to the doctor to prescribe medicines most suited. 

The cause of the proliferation and spread of malaria-carrying mosquitoes are many prominent being accumulated and stagnant water, lack of hygiene, and paucity of precautions. Fogging machines are useful to eradicate insects from their surroundings.
Mosquito occurrence can lead to many kinds of infections hence be aware!  

Friday, May 19, 2017

Diabetic News

Diabetes if not debilitating directly can have damaging implications if not treated properly. The disease makes itself conspicuous by the presence of sugar in the bloodstream beyond the acceptable level. This occurs due to the inability of the pancreas to make insulin in the required amount or the inability to process sugar in the blood. 

Most medicine work by controlling the release of sugar from the liver. The medicine also assists in the production of insulin as well as in the processing. Although the malady strikes at any age these days some lifestyle factors are responsible as well. In many instances, the malady is hereditary and passed on from parents to children.   

Apart from medicine, an ideal method of limiting the sugar in the body is to exercise control through diet and a physical regimen like a daily brisk walk. For those suffering from this ailment, the food should comprise of vegetables, meats, and fruits with a low glycemic index. By all means, sugar, foods with a high glycemic index, and carbohydrates should be avoided or limited.

The incidence of diabetes in India is rising strikingly may be due to genetic predisposition or some lifestyle factors. But the disease is widely prevalent in the developed World and on the rise.   

The inability to control blood sugar can manifest in consequences that could lead to kidney damage, stress on the circulatory system as well as damage to the retina leading to blindness. Compounded by other lifestyle disorders diabetes can be deadly.    

There is a general evolution in the treatment of the disease and newer drugs are being discovered. Two drugs target the protein receptor PPARgamma and activate it to control blood sugar.  

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Medical Marijuana Benefits

Also known as bhang in Hindi medical marijuana has health benefits. Banned in many countries and sold under license as well it is a nonaddictive kind of recreational drug. In India, bhang or cannabis is consumed as a food additive for a recreational and spiritual purposes. These are sold from licensed shops. 

Looked down upon as a psychotropic drug it is shunned but not in totality. Whence used in limitation there are surprising health benefits to this drug but more research is required. In some countries, it has been legalized for therapeutic purposes. 

If consumed sparingly the construed health benefits are: 

  • Reduces weight hence useful in diabetes and blood pressure.        

  • Regulates metabolism.  

  • It increases creativity by enhancing cognitive function.  

  • It fights cancer.

  • It increases lung capacity when smoked? 

  • The cannabinoids contained help in arthritis whence used as a quality balm. 

  • As an alternative, it helps reduce dependency on alcohol. 

  • It can be helpful for those suffering from multiple sclerosis.  

  • Slow Development of Alzheimer's Disease. 

  • It can treat Glaucoma by lowering eyeball pressure. 

  • Controls Anxiety & Depression

  • It has been shown to be helpful in the case of patients undergoing chemotherapy.  

Possibly beneficial in treating autism. 

Much research is needed to confirm the benefits stated above. However, if you wish to go in for its perceived benefits do so strictly under medical supervision. First of all, make sure it is legal.  It can have harmful effects be careful. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

IVF & Medical Treatment in India

After years of lagging in medical treatment and research India has finally caught up with the World. 

What more medical care and surgery are more affordable in this country than the same available in the developed World

Medical Tourism as it is called is a booming segment projected to grow fourfold in the near future. This has come about because of mushrooming of quality hospitals, trained physicians, surgeons, and allied health specialists.  Since many on the go mix tourism while on treatment here hence the name. 

The low cost of treatment comes about due to the lesser scale of the economy that prevails in India and other Asian countries. Travel services, transportation, and accommodations are relatively cheaper as well.  
Some of the popular treatments and surgeries that people from overseas arrive here are as follows: 

  • IVF
  • Orthopedic Surgery
  • Cosmetic Surgery
  • Organ Transplant
  • Cancer Treatment
  • Dentistry
  • Neurosurgery

The easy availability of class hospitals, trained surgeons subscribing to various fields, and physicians with expertise are other reasons overseas visitors trust medical treatment in India.   Another enticing factor is the availability of noninvasive alternative treatments in the country. 
Ayurveda therapy, Unani and naturopathy, homeopathy, and Yoga are the most sought-after. More so these treatments are all-encompassing with the least after-effects, unlike modern science.    
Like other treatments, IVF is the most sought-after in India. The treatment is widely prevalent in metros as well as smaller towns with excellent infrastructure. The cost of fertility procedures is lesser in towns of medium scale without the loss of quality. 
Some of the infertility procedures possible in the country are: 

  • ICSI
  • TESA
  • IUI
  • IVF
  • Freezing Embryo & Semen
  • Ovulation Induction 

Most of the associated procedures can be availed in infertility clinics in India at a lesser cost. There are hospital chains that provide the treatment besides set-ups. . The private fertility hospitals in India are equal in services and professional medical care.  They are manned by expert doctors and surgeons besides the professional care team.    

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Keep Your Conjugal Life Roaring

This is no sermon from a marriage adviser or a relationship expert on various topics related to conjugal happiness. I am stating bare facts far removed from relation blah blah or love. 

In a relationship physical aspects matter. But due to lifestyle factors and illness physical relationships may take a toll. Hence regular exercise (walking), a balanced diet, and abstinence from alcohol and smoking. Alcohol even in small amounts can cause dysfunction and mar your performance. A sedentary lifestyle also makes you obese and unappealing and takes away the vigor must for active sex life.      

As age increases, it becomes more and more challenging keeping up with expectations. Aging is a natural process and nobody can stall it.  But a healthy lifestyle makes life as vigorous as when the body was young. Exercise is the key and walking is best at least 45 min will do. This will also keep you away from lifestyle diseases and make life active.   

If you face problems then use drugs that provide vigor. These will help you in making things normal. Eat lots of vegetables, herbs, and fruits.   There are some natural supplements that provide energy and vigor. Herbal extracts like red ginseng, ashwagandha, and shilajit will provide a further boost. 

Top all this with a cheerful countenance, warm and friendly nature, and add lots of tolerance. All these acts like magic potent to warm your relationship.     

Friday, March 31, 2017

Male Infertility & Treatment

In earlier times the inability to bear a child was squarely blamed on woman. With all the associated dogmas that are attributed to a woman unable to bear a child life became miserable for the unfortunate.  

The failure of conception to take place can be due to an infertile male as well. Hence after proper tests and diagnostics it is determine who needs corrective treatment. With advance therapies available conception is possible.    

Males become infertile due to lack of proper amount of sperms. The sperms could also be deformed and have no motility to fertilise the egg. Blockages is the reproductive apparatus can also hinder fertilisation of egg.  The problems could be hormonal, genetic and autoimmune,  There are many underlying medical inadequacies that require a look into through tests before corrective action can be taken.

Usually the treatment is improvement in lifestyle as well as usage of assisted conception techniques. Chronic alcoholism and tobacco use are responsible for low sperm count. The modified IVF treatment used are GIFT & ZIFT. The former is gamete intrafallopian transfer and zygote intrafallopian transfer. these are modified versions of IVF. These procedures are closer to natural conception. But the procedures require invasive interventions hence IVF procedure is preferred treatment all over.   

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Latest About Women and Infertility

The latest information suggests that women with the absence of certain genes are more susceptible to reduced success in achieving conception.  The cause of infertility is attributed to cervical problems, hormonal imbalance, and uterine malformation.   Scientific journals report that the problem may be accentuated due to the absence of certain genes. Maternal factors present in the coding are crucial for the development of the preimplantation embryo. NLRP 2 was first described in the year 2000. Albeit limited knowledge prevails about maternal effect genes that play important role in embryonic development.   

The gene described as NlRP 2 if absent was responsible for many negative aspects. This is a maternal effect gene that plays an important role during embryogenesis the absence of which was related to repeatedly failed pregnancies, embryonic anomalies, malformation of reproductive organs, and complete infertility. In some cases, babies were born with disabilities. All this was tested on lab mice but the outcome on humans is evident.

This finding furthers the scope of in-vitro fertilization where the egg is fertilised in the dish and then placed into the uterus. 

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Taking Care of Your Heart

Your lifeline to good health and survival is your heart and blood circulatory system. The heart is the most powerful organ in your body and is tireless. It keeps on working day and night till death takes place. A person may die of heart failure, blockage, or many other diseases that afflict this organ. 

Most of the anomalies in the heart and blood circulatory system take place due to lifestyle factors. Bad food habits, lack of exercise, undue stress, smoking, alcohol, and high cholesterol are reasons for being afflicted by a diseased heart. Some anomalies in the circulatory system and heart can be congenital. 

The disorders in circulation and in this vital organ can be prevented. Whatever is good for health is good for the heart and blood circulation. Eating fresh fruits, boiled vegetables and white meats, fish and all things healthy keeps the heart strong and working well. Regular exercise is a must. The exercise preferred would be light aerobics, yoga, or long regulated walks in the fresh air. 

In most cases, the beginning of heart disease is indicated by high blood pressure. If this is checked and lifestyle changes are made the damage to the heart can be controlled. If not then many problems can occur some can be life-threatening. 

In circumstances like these, a heart specialist should be contacted and advice taken. There are many methods to control and treat heart disease. Initially, medication is advised in case of serious threat surgery is prescribed. There are many alternative treatments for heart diseases. One of the most popular is chelation therapy, artery clearance therapy, and 3-D cardio angiography. These are noninvasive treatments non surgical bypass is also very popular. Apart from being non-surgical, the cost of the treatment is affordable and less risky than heart surgery. 

3D cardio angiography is not at all risky. Traditional coronary angiography is invasive with a risk of reaction to the dye used and artery rupture can take place. Prevention is the best cure but if damage to the heart occurs, alternative non-surgical procedures are a good option.