Thursday, October 31, 2013

Human Health: What all can green tea cure?

It is not only major disease green tea can fight bacterias as well as act against allergies.  It boosts immunity to tackle flu and influenza. All this happens at the behest of compounds present in the leaf. These compounds are preserved during the curing process since the leaf is subject to less processing.  

The health beneficial compounds cure or prevent many ailments. But they also burn extra body fat and hence help a person loose weight. The green beverages help speed up the metabolic rate in order to burn extra fat. The brew suppresses hunger and thus prevent weight gain. The chemicals in the tea help build the bone structure and keep it well toned thus it prevents osteoporosis.  

The brew lowers bad cholesterol as well as inhibits the formation of blood clots thus prevents heart attacks. The hot brew limits amylase hence lowers blood sugar level this prevents occurrence of diabetes in humans.     
The green tea contains chemical compounds that fight against deadly cancer. The chemicals containing antioxidant properties inhibit the growth of malignant tumors by killing the abnormal cells. The leaf is beneficial in lot many aspects hence more research is required to bring these to light. The chemicals deactivate certain carcinogenic elements as well as prevent abnormal cell mutation.

The popularity of green tea leaf is increasing day by day. As people become aware of the health benefits they turn over from other beverages to this variety of tea. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Green Tea The Healthy Brew

It is not only green but black as well that benefits human health. But the green tea is more popularly recognized as health winner. The wonder chemicals poly phenols are supposed to be present in prefect state in the less oxidized green leaf. The plant Camellia Sinensis is the sole producer of the hot beverage tea leaf. 

The poly phenols carry antioxidant properties that enable human body to fight many diseases as well as prevent some. The wonder chemical is not only found in the tea plant but in many other foods like fruits, vegetables and spices. In the Ayurveda systems of medicine pomegranate is extensively used because of  antioxidant poly phenols.       

In the green tea some chemicals fight the bacteria and hence offer antibacterial properties. In this leaf health beneficial chemicals are preserved due to less oxidation. It is the production process that makes the difference.   

In the contemporary scenario green tea products like liquid, extracts and powders are used for consumption. But the green tea leaf is most popular and is sold in cartons and tea bags. The long term research have proved that the benefits do exists. But in case of many healthy attributes the research has yet to confirm the health benefits. 

The famous hot brew is attributed to prevent or cure a very large number of illness. Hence the property of this brew is increasing world wide at phenomenal rate. This is happening in non tea consuming countries as well.