Friday, November 25, 2022

Eye Disease Prevalence in the World

One of the most important among the sensory apparatus eye health is a crucial concern for humans. A large eye industry exists all over the World to prevent or treat anomalies in the vision caused by a plethora of deficiencies, malpractice, and disease. 

Though nothing to boast about medical care is a business and a vast industry that caters to a vast array of health problems. Parallel to the healthcare industry is the drug or pharmaceutical industry which is of vital importance to health care.  In the year market for global eye care size stood at over USD 66  billion and is growing at the rate of CAGR of 3.8%.   

Rapid digitalization, increasing use of handheld devices with dazzling front-end screens, TV, and lifestyle changes are leading to the rapid rise in ocular disorders. Almost 2.2 billion people comprising one-fourth of the human population suffer from myopia or presbyopia.  Most of these problems have become so common that sufferers take them very lightly and this is leading to major ophthalmic abnormalities. Neglect is the major reason behind retina and cornea damage at a later stage often leading to complete blindness.

Refractive Eye Surgery Device Market Size     

Almost all ophthalmic procedures are technology dependent using devices to rectify refractive eye errors in patients. Some of the technologies in use are:

  • ·         Da Vinci (Robotic Device)
  • ·         Lasik (Laser Driven)
  • ·         Smile
  • ·         PRK

The device market size for refractive procedures stood at 195 million USD. By 2032 this industry would scale 446 million USD growing at the rate of 7.7% CAGR.

Laser eye surgery or LASIK is one of the segments with the largest share among refractive eye surgery medical devices. This is due to the immense popularity of laser-driven treatment the benefits of this device are well-known even to the common man. The greatest burden of eye disorders has increased in less developed countries and developing economies. LASIK procedures are very commonly applied in eye hospitals and their use is growing. Lasik is one of the procedures applied in refractive eye surgery globally.  The other procedures are applied in specific cases depending upon the mode of treatment preferred by the ophthalmic surgeon.   

Role of Nutrition

Diabetes and micronutrient deficiencies lead to vision impairment. Diabetes especially leads to retinal neuropathy which if not treated in time can lead to refractive eye problems and blindness at a later stage.  Glaucoma is another major threat to eye vision and is caused by abnormal eye pressure that damage the optic nerve. It is undetectable at an early stage, and the symptoms appear gradually, sometimes they appear too late for timely treatment. If you notice black or blind spots in your vision, then it is time to make rush for an eye specialist without any delay. Though the abnormality strikes people over sixty, it could affect teens and small children as well.  Remember!

Most eye diseases could be cured by a proper and healthy diet. A deficiency of vitamins and trace elements aggravates vision problems in old people. People over sixty should consult an expert in nutrition to prevent eye disease. The nutrition experts guide people to a healthy diet containing micronutrients and a good lifestyle.

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