Diabetes: The Pancreas are not able to make enough insulin or sugar is not processed properly and the cell starve for energy.
It was a shocking discovery whence I went in for tests before my cataract operation. Though the probability was high since the malady runs in the family I thought I had skipped it. Whence the symptoms arrived it was unnerving. I was suffering from excessive thirst, excessive hunger and felt tired all the time.
The quick loss of weight was a bit surprise, but I was attributing it to regular exercise at the gym and much demanding tiger safaris.
Eventually the test did confirm that I was suffering from Diabetes Type 2. I had hyperglycemia with sugar level more than 400 mg/dl. My friend a doctor and himself a diabetic advised me regular exercise. Well if the sugar level is higher than 250 mg/dl it is not advisable to exercise, since the liver releases glycogen and hence the level may rise further.
The medicine took a number of days to bring the level down to normal. This was then followed by regular walks ranging from 45 minutes to one hour. The fact that I could control my sugar level by exercising made me do more. I started playing billiards which added to swift movements and cut in calories. During exercise the cells are able to convert sugar directly into energy without the aid of insulin. But keep in mind, over exertion can be a tiring experience for diabetics hence keep a limit.
With diabetes on board you cannot eat things full of sugar. These are food which you should not be consuming anyway. So I added green vegetables, beans and sprouts in my diet on regular basis. Since Vitamin B 12 is not available in a vegetarian diet, I regularly consume chicken and fish and also tale a supplement.
High sugar levels mean clogged circulatory system, damage to nerves, feet and to many organs including the retina. So it is imperative to maintain the levels. Choosing what you eat makes the difference. Since I am exercising on regular basis I do consume carbohydrates often but avoid items containing direct sugar like sweets and colas. Fruits though source of sugar are rich in all things healthy hence I eat them regularly but in limit. I also consume green tea often for the oxidant rich contents and taste.
I have also cut down to alcohol since it is full of calories. During and before drinks diabetics should eat well since alcohol shuts down liver and prevent necessary sugar absorption which may result in hypoglycemia following the consumption. In order to avoid nerve damage one also needs to stay away from other intoxicants including tobacco.
Apart from all that is stated above one must get good sleep, and work out helps in this as well. But walking is most effective in maintaining sugar level as well as controlling your blood pressure. Hence go for it.
Overall because of diet control and work outs my health is better than before. So that answers the question.
Photos: Courtesy Wagh Bakri Tea
A digital glucometer is helpful in
monitoring blood sugar on regular basis and this is a must. Test for
thyroid inefficiency should also be carried out intermittently.
Warning: Diabetics may suffer from low sugar due to medicine, exercise or due to many other reasons hence carry sugar tablets or some sweets with you.
Warning: Diabetics may suffer from low sugar due to medicine, exercise or due to many other reasons hence carry sugar tablets or some sweets with you.
Photos: Courtesy Wagh Bakri Tea