Monday, November 15, 2021

Diverse Medical Treatments in India at Incredibly Low Cost

Needless to say, medical inquisitiveness like in the case of all aspects of life in India has been intense right from ancient times.  Scientific research has been at the forefront from way back in earlier times starting or predating more than 5000 years. We should be thankful to the Hindu saints or rishis who approached health issues with an open mind and a broad sense of acceptance of what is good for the human body and soul. The civilization has always been liberal, broad-minded, and open in approach to life with rare instances of conservatism that are seen in the case of some ideological loyalties. 

The approach has always been inquisitive and holistic albeit modern analytical and technical methods were missing. Nevertheless, logic and rationality made up for measured verified success that modern science adopts, and health-driven, rejuvenated long life was achieved.   

The rishis believed in healing systems that were preventive, curative, and rejuvenated the body in the span of time the medicine and regimen that was being applied and strictly adhered to. The discovery of Ayurveda and the development of Yoga propelled holistic healing like none other system and the treatments literally became a way of life. 

Other notable examples are the work of Sushruta in the development of plastic surgery and Charak's treatise for the practice of medicine in ancient India. There are other treatises developed by physicians and scientists that have been overshadowed by the passage of unscripted time in history. 

Nevertheless, modern contributors to the field of medicine may not assiduously recognize the work done by the Indians who did end up creating a sound platform of healing in the country. The stress on medical learning and the creation of a teaching and health treatment infrastructure in modern India is due to the continuous persuasion of discovering and developing healing systems. This has been continuously bolstered by the logical and forward approach of the dispensations and planners that ruled the country.  

India now boasts of a collective framework of learning institutions that teach modern medical disciplines as well as indigenous wellness systems. The wide spectrum of disease treatments is strikingly diverse and with the knowledge and training accumulated from institutions of higher learning, and a broad base of acclaimed surgeons, physicians, and managers with a vast array of abilities and experience are at the helm of disease treatment in the country. 

The cultural sobriety, reasoning, and logical approach to the economy have created business practices that are inherently economical with controlled expenditure and no extravagance. The Indian hospitals and clinics stick to international norms of ethics and a professional quality-driven approach that leads to one of the lowest costing disease treatments in the World.  The rational approach of avoiding outward extravagance and costly architectural designs helps in controlling the costs. The skilled surgeons and physicians along with highly cost-intensive equipment and tools are used to optimum levels in the hospitals and clinics to drive the cost below the waist. 

The three-tier approach to establishing medical infrastructure has rationalized the availability of ascending scale of treatments with the basics being delivered in the village-level clinics and dispensaries. Mid-level towns and cities provide higher treatment to the patients which does call for cheap local travel and higher spending. The top rung specialty hospitals and clinics in the country are units delivering a wide spectrum of advanced disease treatments which are available in the developed world.  But all this at an incredibly low cost with successful medical outcomes. 

This approach is creating a sound platform for medical tourism in India with a promising growth rate of 30 percent in the post-global scenario.  Already international patients from APAC, China, and Africa are knocking at the doorsteps of treatment centers in various Indian cities. But what is now a slow trickle from the developed world is going to swell to an impressive stream of visitors both for health treatments and tourism in the country. The country is home to diverse terrain that contains impressive panoramic grandeur for sightseeing, experiencing colorful friendly culture, and enchanting wildlife that includes global attractions like the tiger and the lion. 

It is now there in the open as the surge in international patients becomes apparent. The country is not new by any means to hosting diverse ethnicities, cultural and religious diversity, and people from the diverse rung of social and economical strata. India Shinning! 


Uday writes for  Company in India.  He writes on medical tourism, advanced disease treatments, and health infrastructure in India.  As an experienced SEO and Content Writer he writes on diverse topics on various platforms. 

He was teaching digital marketing in Jabalpur in his free time. He can be contacted at:

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