Also known as bhang in Hindi medical marijuana has health benefits. Banned in many countries and sold under license as well it is a nonaddictive kind of recreational drug. In India, bhang or cannabis is consumed as a food additive for a recreational and spiritual purposes. These are sold from licensed shops.
Looked down upon as a psychotropic drug it is shunned but not in totality. Whence used in limitation there are surprising health benefits to this drug but more research is required. In some countries, it has been legalized for therapeutic purposes.
If consumed sparingly the construed health benefits are:
- Reduces weight hence useful in diabetes and blood pressure.
- Regulates metabolism.
- It increases creativity by enhancing cognitive function.
- It fights cancer.
- It increases lung capacity when smoked?
- The cannabinoids contained help in arthritis whence used as a quality balm.
- As an alternative, it helps reduce dependency on alcohol.
- It can be helpful for those suffering from multiple sclerosis.
- Slow Development of Alzheimer's Disease.
- It can treat Glaucoma by lowering eyeball pressure.
- Controls Anxiety & Depression
- It has been shown to be helpful in the case of patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Possibly beneficial in treating autism.
Much research is needed to confirm the benefits stated above. However, if you wish to go in for its perceived benefits do so strictly under medical supervision. First of all, make sure it is legal. It can have harmful effects be careful.