We are constantly thinking of our body and its health. Certain disease play a frightening role in our mind set. Certain states like obesity and lethargy are constantly worrying us. Body conditions with negative effect can be genetic or environmental but it is mostly lifestyle that shapes our destiny.
We turn into what we eat or drink. This means our daily consumption has impact on our mind and body. Hence by making minor lifestyle changes we can turn our body to become healthier and alert. This way we can fight and prevent various ailments and even life threatening diseases.
I am a strong lover of hot beverage called tea or chai tea in India. Tea is made in hundreds of ways but the health benefits remain the same as ever. The tea leaf contains lots of antioxidants and substances that benefit our health. These are more prevalent in green tea which is less oxidized version of the amazing brew. Because of less oxidation the beneficial properties are retained.
Tea is a the best way to consume natural herbs and spices which benefit our health. These are additives and added during the brewing process. some of them I am familiar with.
Ginger: Soothes the throat, clear toxins from the liver and cheers up your system. Ginger is added mostly during the winters all over the World.
Cinnamon: It increase your blood circulation, invigorate your system and tunes up your digestive tract. In Ayurvedic System it is used to treat diabetes because it regulates blood sugar.
Cardamom: Contains antioxidants and substances that benefit health. It is rich in Vitamin C and many useful minerals. It is mostly used in India.
Tulsi (Ocimum): Used in India it has tremendous restorative properties as well as build strong rsistance to disease.
Lemon Grass: Contains antibacterial and anti fungal properties. Is used to treat gastroenteritis fever cough and cold. It fine tunes your digestive system.
Herbal Tea is a mixture healthy herbs used to add to infusion boiled water similar to tea. But most of the herbal tea drinks do not contain tealeaf.
Masala Chai: This is made by adding masalas or Indian spices while brewing the hot beverage. The spice mixture contains number of herbs and spices that are beneficial to health
Note* The spices and herbs used to add to the hot brew should be used in small quantities since in large amount they can be harmful.
The above video will help you make Indian Chat Tea.